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ConTact C.A.R.E.

ConTact C.A.R.E. is the method used to identify and release a Flinchlocked Bone

ConTact C.A.R.E is a revolutionary approach to how the skeleton functions in our day to day lives. Typically we think of our skeleton or bones as just being a structure that our body operates around, however bones are so much more than that.  Bones are alive, they heal when we break them, they produce white blood cells. There is so much more to this living structure that supports us.

The ConTact C.A.R.E technique involves the release of Flinchlocks from the bones in our body.  This phenomenon is something that horses and other animals already attempt to do naturally.  Horse paddocks typically have bent gates and fence posts where the animals have tried to apply pressure to their flinchlocked bones in order to release the trapped pressure and return to normal mobility.  Sometimes the animal succeeds, however they just continue to try because they know that when the recreate the pressure angle and direction of the original injury, then they will succeed.

Through the study of this process, Dale Speedy and a number of other key individuals have refined the process with the intricacies of human care vs equine and animal care.  This has been taught to many others creating a network of Contact Care Practitioners throughout New Zeland and slowly spreading throughout the world

So let's understand more about Flinchlocks...

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Flinch = to make a quick, nervous movement as an instinctive reaction to fear, pain, or surprise. [Oxford Dictionary]

Lock = to become or make something become fixed in one position and unable to move. [Oxford Dictionary]

Flinchlock = An instinctive reaction caused by fear, pain, or surprise that prevents the normal operation of the body from occurring [Bone Code Definition]

So a Flinchlocked bone is a bone that is not able to move or operate normally.  Our body ends up supporting the bone rather than the bone supporting us.

  • A Flinchlock is heavy and immobile. It does not move normally.

  • Flinchlocked bones are only created by a surprise impact trauma.

  • Our skeletal system will self-balance and force the body to move around the flinchlocked bone. This creates additional strain and discomfort in our body with the additional load placed on parts trying to compensate for the flinchlocked bone.

  • Flinchlocked bones will lock or freeze when touched. Our skeletal system should normally be elastic and move freely. When our body is balancing or supporting a flinchlocked bone, then it becomes rigid, hard or locked as it provides support to that bone.

  • Flinchlocks override normal function. So instead of allowing your arm to swing freely, it will move in a way that keeps pressure on the flinchlock whenever possible. e.g. a flinchlocked toe or ankle will spend more time on the ground compared to the other foot.

  • Flinchlocks create pressurized areas in the body. Placing strain on muscles, joints, nerves and more.

  • Flinchlocked bones are usually invisible to the client, but highly visible to anyone observing the session.

  • Any Flinchlock will lead to disruption of normal function in the body. 

  • Flinchlocked bones can cause difficulty in breathing.

  • Flinchlocks will not carry the load they are meant to support. They will do whatever they can to avoid being engaged in the bodies natural movement.

By releasing the pressure, our body can then relearn to use the bones correctly to support our body and natural movement.  The older the injury, the longer it will take to shift back to normal movement or function.

We all have thousands of flinchlocks in our bodies that are effecting our movement, thoughts and functionality.

When having a Contact Care appointment you will be asked what you are wanting to get out of the session, in order to target the bones contributing to the desired change you are wanting.

Physical Therapist


Flinchlocked Bones


The first step is locating the Flinchlocked bone through gentle palpitation.

The practitioner is checking the distribution of body weight through your bones typically while resting but also through movement and balance.

This is a painless process.  


The second step is to match the pressure trapped in the Flinchlock.

The practitioner is skilled at feeling subtle changes through your body and providing the correct pressure accordingly.

Pressure on the Flinchlock feels good and your body will naturally relax or lean into the support the practitioner is providing you.


The third step is to release the trapped pressure.
The ConTact C.A.R.E. practitioner will apply the technique to release the skeletal pressure and let is dissipate from your body.  This is painless and your practitioner will guide and support you through this process.

Sessions are commonly sought for challenges such as :
  • Neck & Back Issues

  • Sports & Unresolved Injuries

  • Knee & Hip Problems

  • Co-ordination & Balance Problems

  • Concussion & Sensory Disorders

  • Cranial Tension & Migraines

  • Mental & Emotional Shock

  • Fear & Anxiety

  • Depression & Overwhelm

  • Sleeping Difficulties

  • Fatigue & Lack of Energy

  • And more…​

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