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My Practice: My Practice

Common Questions...

What Do I Wear?

Contact CARE sessions are conducted fully clothed. 

A typical session involves lying on a massage table and movement into different positions.

Please wear clothing that you would feel comfortable to lie down and move around in.

Activewear or loose-fitting clothing are great options. 

Is It Painful?

Contact Care is all about your comfort and  Flinchlocks become apparent when you are in your relaxed state. 


The more relaxed you are the better the session can be.  This is also why Contact CARE is so safe.

See "Contact Care" page for further information 


Appointments are at Level 1 or 2 only and we will be taking precautions for everyone's safety.


Ensure you are feeling 100% well on the day.


Please reschedule if you or anyone in your household has a sore throat or feel at all unwell. There will be no charge for rescheduling.


Please call us if you have any questions or concerns.

What should I expect afterwards?

This varies from person to person. Many people feel lighter and their area of concern fades away over the next few days. Some feel the change immediately.

It is not uncommon to experience tingling or stretching sensations or a slight increase in discomfort for the first few days as your body adjusts to the changes
If you are ever concerned about the sensations please get in contact.

How often do I need to come?​

I recommend weekly or fortnightly sessions for changes to happen in a timely manner.  


Between appointments you need to allow your body time to adjust to the changes we have made, so we don't recommend appointments more often than once a week.

How many appointments do I require?

This changes depending on many factors and what changes you are wanting to achieve from the session.

2-Appointments is a minimum to understand the process.

6-Appointments is a good number to targeting a specific issue or condition.

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